The Solar Experts of Brisbane South East
When it comes to buying and installing solar products at your place of residence, investment property or workplace, Solahart should be at the top of your list of suppliers. At Solahart, you’ll find professionals in the solar industry who can expertly deliver, install, and provide after-sales support to clients in the Redlands area. Plus, Solahart has been an Australian Solar favourite for more than 65 years!
Worried that you’re losing efficiency on your solar system because of where your roof is facing? Solar and a shaded roof can work despite the myth that solar panels won’t work when it’s cloudy. Our Solahart solar panels are designed to absorb visible light particles from the surrounding atmosphere. Think about it like this: if it’s not dark when it’s overcast, there is still a very visible light source, so even if it’s overcast, you can still generate solar power.
Read on to discover how to make your solar products more efficient even if your roof is in the shade.
How Can I Make My Solar Products More Efficient?
For owners of solar products, the most important thing to note is that regular maintenance, servicing and cleaning of your solar panels is recommended. These services will ensure that your solar products are in good working condition and functioning properly, helping you to make the most of solar energy at your property.
If you haven’t already installed solar panels, it’s crucial to think about placement: whether your roof faces east or west, what kinds of debris might inhibit solar panel functioning, and how much direct sunlight your panels will receive. The best part about solar energy is that you can install panels almost anywhere, and still reap the benefits of solar energy.
What If My Roof is in the Shade?
If you are worried that your roof is in the shade and you won’t be able to take advantage of solar power, you should know that Solahart products are designed with high performance, an extreme weather rating and a high solar yield. This means that even in low light and temperature conditions, Solahart products “result in more energy production per square metre” than other solar products.
They have also designed their solar products with the intensity of Australian weather. This means that both extreme weather conditions, hot and cold, and weather events like cyclones won’t take down your solar panels. Solahart writes, “Our Solahart Silhouette Solar Power Panels are tested by the Cyclone Testing Station at James Cook University in Townsville and are capable of withstanding cyclonic wind loads in all regions of Australia. They’re even strong enough to survive cyclones similar to Cyclone Larry in 2006, and Cyclone Yasi in 2011.” Solar for shade? It’s not a problem with Solahart!
As you can see, solar and a shaded roof can work no matter which direction your roof is facing, Solahart designs solar products to suit your every need. If your roof is in the shade, not to worry! With a high solar yield and an extreme weather rating, Solahart solar panels will hold up in the worst of Australian weather conditions and still yield results.
If you’re looking to install solar panels on your home, then make sure you choose a supplier that is a member of the clean energy council and offers warranties over and above the manufacturer’s performance warranty – just like Solahart!
Contact us today to speak to your local Redlands solar provider and let us help you find the right system for your home and needs.